It’s also possible 3D printing will be used as part of a larger manufacturing process, for example, to create cars. It’s easier and safer to create a light saber. While it is possible, there are many factors that make printing a gun dangerous and uncommon. Perhaps the most talked about, and misunderstood, use of 3D printing involves making guns. It might be possible to create medical implants, for example, using tissue from the patient. More interesting, 3D printing makes it possible to experiment with fashion and other parts of our lives we take for granted. Today you either replace the complete remote control or figure out where to get the replacement part which has been created elsewhere, likely overseas. For example, replacing the plastic back of your TV remote might involve going to a website, finding the part, then clicking a button to have the part printed locally where you can pick it up. It’s the future uses of this technology which have people excited. Students as young as 10 years old also might use a 3D printer in shop class. However, there’s a lot of value in printing three-dimensional objects for students, designers, and anyone who needs a small object to demonstrate their ideas or create usable objects. Home or consumer use of 3D printing is mostly limited to people trying out the technology. Today 3D printing is mostly done by business, students, and designers. In contrast, if you buy a piece of wood then cut out pieces to create your object you pay for the original piece of wood. Cost is based on materials used, among other factors.Printing a three-dimensional object can take hours or days to complete, depending on the complexity and size of the object.Because objects are created by adding layers, the computer file with details about your model must be converted into slices the printer will create layer by layer.Objects are created by adding or depositing layers of material, not subtracting or cutting out pieces from a block of material.Three-dimensional printing adds a third dimension, volume.ģD printing uses a printer to create three-dimensional objects, for example, a cup or Yoda doll or phone case. When you print a page on a printer, there are only two dimensions: the front of the page and the back of the page. We all know what printing is so let’s begin with the 3D part of 3D printing. More recently, 3D printing technology has become available to more people at a lower cost to create objects on demand locally. While the technology has been around for twenty five years or so, it was used primarily by engineers to create prototypes. This article provides a high level overview of 3D printing.

A basic introduction to 3D printing with concepts, examples, and a glossary of 3D terminology.